Tuesday, 11 August 2020

The True Story of the Big Bad Wolf


The True Story of the Big Bad Wolf

 Mr wolf is furry & loveabil, unless you are a pig and if you are dead he may be hungry so he will have you in a hamburger. “Poor granny said Mr wolf”. I want to bake a delicious cake for her, but I don’t have a cup of SUGAR! Screeched Mr wolf . Now I have got rid of my anger I will go to my neighbors the three little pigs. Little pig, little pig let me in no reply LITTLE PIG LET ME IN no reply. So I knocked on the door but it fell into his house. I sniffled and suffled then.. A-CHOOOOO…

Here is another version

 Mr wolf ,is furry & loveabil, unless you are a pig and if you are dead he may be hungry so he will have you in a hamburger. Now I have got rid of my anger, I will go to my neighbors the three little pigs. O piggy O piggy can I get some sugar from you. The door fell in. The pig was as dead as a dodo. So I ate him in a hamburger. And stole his sugar, and went home on a full belly.

And Another Mr wolf is, furry & lovable, unless you are a pig and if you are dead he may be hungry so he will have you in a hamburger. Mr wolf actually speaks in a sweet and friendly voice. Mr wolf is kind of paranoid about people thinking that he is the big bad wolf when it is his cousin that is the real big bad wolf. He also has sharp claws, pointy teeth & flexible ears. Mr wolf uses to eat pigs and his ears to find the pigs. By Tristin
This is The Pic I had drawn.