Wednesday, 4 April 2018

My pepeha

Te Turanganui a kiwa toku turangawaewae
Ko Pouawa, Turihaua nga awa.
Ko Toby toku matua,
Ko Amelia toku whaea,
Ko Jackson toku teina,
Ko Tristin toku ingoa.

Stingray feeding

Room 5 waited for instructions from Alex.
We waited for Alex  as he got in his waders on he told us what we would see.
Eagle rays and Short tailed rays.

Room 5 started shuffling into the water so if we accidently stands stingray if wont get stung if we
stand on one

by accident. We stopped when we were told then we had to squish together when I patted a stingray.
The stingray felt slimy I went to wash my hands in the water but I got bitten by a kingfish.
Room 5 shuffled to shore I felt satisfied.